Classroom Management - Music
All students are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in the "Musician's Pledge:"
Because I am a well-behaved musician,
I listen and follow directions,
use self-control,
respect people, instruments, and materials,
and always do my best.
To adhere to the guidelines in the Musician's Pledge, please keep the following routines & rules:
Quietly enter the room and take a chair. You may choose where to sit unless poor behavior and/or excessive talking requires seat assignments.
If you have backpacks and/or coats, please put them in the back of the room. Unless you have been asked to bring something specific to music class, please do not take anything out during class, including, but not limited to, snacks and cell phones.
If we are using instruments, please wait for them to be distributed and do not begin playing until directions to do so have been given.
Please be respectful and listen when others are speaking or performing.
Please raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
Please ask before leaving the room.
Please wait to be dismissed.
Grades are based on participation, effort, and attitude in class and concerts, as well as occasional written classwork.
Students who are not abiding by the rules set forth in this plan will be given verbal warnings, may be moved to other seats, and/or have instrument privileges revoked for the duration of the class.